Iowa PBS Donation

You are the foundation of Iowa PBS. Your support brings a stimulating classroom into everyone's home free of charge. It helps educate and inspire countless young people. It creates new adventures and fosters curiosity.

Because of your support, lives are enriched and nurtured across Iowa.

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*Your yearly donation will automatically renew and your payment method charged each year until you cancel or change your donation.

Your donation includes a monthly subscription to our program guide, Advance!
Your donation includes a monthly subscription to our program guide, Advance, AND access to Iowa PBS Passport!
Thank-You Gifts

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Donation Summary
A total donation of $
will be charged to my credit card automatically each month until I cancel or make a change.
A total donation of $
will be deducted from my bank account automatically each month until I cancel or make a change.
A total donation of $
will be charged to my credit card automatically each year until I cancel or make a change.
A total donation of $
will be deducted from my bank account automatically each year until I cancel or make a change.
A total donation of $
will be charged to my credit card today.

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